Recorders: Dance and SingWelcome to Recorders: Dance and Sing, a series of piece specific, online tutorials, for Descant (Soprano), Treble (Alto) and Tenor recorders at Foundation, Lower Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels. See the individual catalogue pages for a description of each level and the tunes available.
The purpose of these tutorials is to guide you through the process of ‘lifting the dots off the page’. Helping you to explore, enjoy and create music which really communicates what it is to be human, be it joy, grief, love, laughter, teasing, wonder ... Your recorders really can ‘Dance and Sing’ if you know how to let them. Each video tutorial will focus on one or two pieces; giving you background information about the genre, period and style, which in turn informs the articulation and phrasing needed to bring the piece alive. Technical problems will be worked through in detail, with plenty of guidance on ways to successfully practice those ‘purple passages’ which so often hold you up. Each tutorial will be suitable for either F (treble) or C (descant or tenor) recorders, and as the series develops a wide variety of music will become available for both instruments. Every genre, style and period of music may feature – if the music is good and it suits the recorder it is ‘on the menu’. The majority of pieces are taken from Hugh Gorton’s Recorder Practice Books (full publication and distribution details in the side column), but a printable pdf with both a ‘clean’ (unmarked) and marked up score of each piece of music come as part of the package. So have your printers ready, or purchase a copy of the relevant books. Each tutorial lasts approximately 20 – 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the music and/or the degree of interpretative detail being explored. The precise format of each tutorial may vary slightly, to suit the music being studied, but in general they consist of
PricingFull package: 20 – 30 minute video tutorial + pdf copy of marked & unmarked score + other resources where relevant: £10–£12
Mini package: mp3 recording of tune + pdf copy of marked & unmarked score: £2.50 (coming soon) Payment methods: preferably via paypal; however, if you prefer to pay by cheque or bank transfer please contact Mary by email [email protected] or see the contact page for more ways to get in touch. Further supportIf you would like further support with developing your recorder playing, or have questions relating to the Recorders: Dance and Sing series, please contact Mary by email. Currently she has some availability for individual on-line lessons either on a regular, occasional or one-off basis.
Contact info: [email protected] Music Recorder Practice Books (Grades 1 – 8) ed. Hugh Gorton available from Recorder Music Direct Tel: 01354 688440 [email protected] or from Recorder Music Mail |
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